14th February changed for us around 9 years ago. From being Valentines Day to being the birth of our daughter. Ever since we rarely celebrate Valentines as the focus is on our daughter Inaya. My neighbour recently gifted me a bag of humongous strawberries and was wondering what to do with it. Since I have …
Category: International Desserts
Jan 30
Rustic almond and chocolate chunk Biscotti
I enjoy my evening tea and when the clock strikes 5, my senses start craving for a hot cup of tea. Yesterday a virtual friend Sarika Shah pinged me and mentioned that she would be in the vicinity. Now for the uninitiated, I have made many friends in the virtual land of Facebook. Being a …
Jan 28
White Forest Fudge – Version 2
In my previous post, i told you about the dinner invitation and my plan the white forest fudge. So leisurely made the fudge and set it. Did a photo shoot too. Then decided to give my husband a taste and he declared it was too sweet. My kids took a bite and absolutely adored it. …
Jan 28
White forest Fudge
We were recently invited over for dinner to my husband’s office colleagues house. I was keen on taking something with me but couldn’t afford to do anything elaborate. My maid was away at her village and elaborate translates to a lot of prep work and clean up post cooking. An easy dessert, that uses minimal …
Jan 28
Eggless wholewheat orange cupcake
I love my desserts and usually they are sinful with an addition of eggs. Was looking at some alternative ingredients to bake a cupcake. Browsing through the various talented bloggers in India, I found an interesting recipe by Priya Shiva. Eggless and wholewheat – not my preference but thought let me try atleast. Can give …
Jan 23
Dark chocolate & dried cranberry brownies with infused ice-cream
Today’s food experiment starts in reverse gear. Had some leftover balsamic strawberries and started the planning process from there. Google baba to the rescue. Finally zeroed in on an ice cream topping. But wasn’t too happy keeping it simple. So added sugar and cooked the strawberries out. Then blended it with vanilla ice cream in …
Jan 22
Greek Pastellis
This Sankranti, I knew I wanted to make something for the festival. Asked around in my family and the response everywhere is that we don’t make anything regional specific for Sankranti. Hmmm, change of plan. Plan B – decided to focus on Til as that’s the star ingredient during this festival. Looked up – til …
Jan 21
Coconut cake with dried rose petals
Is it tea time? Oh yes it is. And what’s perfect with tea, did u say cake? U got that right. A moist fragrant Coconut cake blended with pistachios and dried rose petals The use of freshly grated coconut gave it a wonderful barfi like texture and the rose petals a fragrant aroma.This is one cake …
Jan 21
Sholeh Zard – A persian delicacy
A chance meeting with a girl called Nidhi S Raj on a Facebook forum forged a bond for life.Met her recently where we exchanged a secret ingredient amongst friends and guess what – I got her beautifully wrapped package of dried rose petals. We had a week to make something with this ingredient and I …
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