Tag: coconut

Coconut chocolate bombs

For some reason I had loads of Coconut at home and though I don’t use it much, even though I am Mangalorean, I still can’t figure out why I had so many. I needed coconut for a vegetable preparation and when I broke open one realised it was dried from inside. It hadn’t gone bad …

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Instant Rawa Idli and Chilli Garlic Coconut Chutney

I have only eaten this Rawa idli at my mom’s house. My sister makes it for us, and I like how it pairs well with this pungent chutney to make a filling and delicious breakfast. Though it is an instant idli recipe, the process isn’t instant. Worth the effort, especially if you have forgotten to …

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Coconut Ladoos

Bhog for Ganpatiji is always a confusing thing for me as I dont make Indian sweets much. I keep Ganpati and fot those 5 days I keep thinking what to make. I saw this post by a virtual friend Tanvee Sharda and the Nariyal Chamchams she had made looked absolutely delicious. I made it a …

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Coconut and Almond Macaroon

Super sinful right? I died and went to heaven. Crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside and with a drizzle of melted chocolate to this coconut and almond macaroon is the perfect lift me up. Its a recipe I had saved over 9 months ago, that I kept thinking back to but never really …

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Red Masala Fish Curry

There are so many fish curry’s available in the varied cuisines of India. This one is more Southern coastal, but difficult to pinpoint it to one region. A big plus point for this curry is that its one of the easy to make recipes and it’s super yum. Steamed rice and a generous serving of …

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Coconut cake with dried rose petals

Is it tea time? Oh yes it is. And what’s perfect with tea, did u say cake? U got that right. A moist fragrant Coconut cake blended with pistachios and dried rose petals The use of freshly grated coconut gave it a wonderful barfi like texture and the rose petals a fragrant aroma.This is one cake …

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