May 2015 archive

Bangda Puli Munchi

I am not a big fan of bangda or mackerel but every time I have made this curry, it’s always a finger licking hit. Its not as watery as regular curries and thats what makes it different. A thick gravy with loads of chillies (munchi), very little coconut and the right balance of sourness with …

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Is there a dish that u have been wanting to make since ever but everyone’s preference overtook yours. For me one such dish is Moussaka Moussaka is a Greek bake layered with brinjals, mince cooked in tomatoes, sliced potatoes and a cheese sauce. It’s baked to a golden goodness and served family style. Every time …

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Brazilian Brigadeiros Bark – Rum chilli chocolate

So where would you like to go today. On a virtual culinary tour of an exotic land? How about sunny sensual Brazil. My favourite blogger couple the Mukherjees, set the theme of the month for Chefs Across Boundaries (a group of like minded foodies and bloggers) with Brazil as the place to discover, So …

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Cookies – Chocolate crinkle, Red velvet, Chocochips

When someone asks you to bake a cookie, what would u do. Choose the one you would like and make it right. Well with me, its “What!! Just the one?” Well I had 3 that i wanted to try and try I did. The earliest cookie recipe I saved was Saloni Sharma’s red velvet. The …

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Decadent Mocha Brownies

One night I was restless and got up at 4.45 am and how much ever I tried I couldn’t sleep. A friend suggested that I bake bread. Hmm not a bad idea, but me being me, it had to be dessert. Sometimes you have so many ideas in mind but never an occasion to bake. …

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Mutton Vindaloo

As kids, mom would make pork vindaloo often as it was my dad’s and middle sister’s favourite dish, We used to order this bread wala naan from the bakery and gobble the vindaloo with it. My eldest sister is a vegetarian (delivered at the wrong address maybe :P) and she would eat the creamy potatoes …

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Kuku Da Kajipu (Mango curry)

Summer is here and the season of mangoes is in full bloom. Mangoes usually means aamras, pickles, mousse, milkshakes, desserts. In Mangalore we make curries out of it. I have previously posted a pineapple menaskai (curry) recipe that can also be made into a mango menaskai Another variant in curries is the Kuku Da Kajipu which …

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