I like making something elaborate, something that requires planning and a meticulous prep. The pleasure that the final product gives me is utter bliss. And then sometimes I like to keep it simple. What can I say I am a bundle of contradictions. This recipe is from Pooja Dhingra’s Big book of treats. I like …
Category: International Desserts
Nov 16
After Eight Layered Cuppies
Another combination I love is mint and chocolate. Adore after eight chocolates and have been wanting to try that combination Here are chocolate cupcakes with peppermint flavour and whipped cream in the layers. Layered cupcakes are a great option to mini cakes. Ingredients 4 eggs 1 1/4 cup sugar 1 cup all purpose flour 3/4 …
Nov 16
Strawberry Margarita Truffles
6 months ago a group of strangers from Chef at Large met up for lunch. The meet that started at 12 pm went on till 11:30 pm. We realised we had loads in common esp daaru and madness and thus the Vella Gang was formed. We laugh, we cry, we share, we drink and we …
Oct 31
Walnut & Strawberry Chocolate Fudge
My daughters school has a Diwali party today and she wanted to me to make something to share with her friends. It slipped my mind till late last night and then I panicked. God, am late. She is gonna be mad if I don’t make something. The easiest recipe came to mind. So made a …
Sep 27
Eggless Lemon Almond cupcakes
Are u fed up of chocolate cakes. I know I am. Though not for long. Chocolate is one of my true loves ? But once in a while, you need a change. Something lemony, tangy, delicious. These eggless lemon almond cupcakes with a lemony whipped cream hits the right spot. Ingredients All purpose flour – …
Jul 31
Brownie Cups
Love brownies, absolutely adore them. So easy to make and super delicious to taste. Now I have tried quite a few brownies variants from Double chocolate to Nutella to Mocha and DDL. This time decided to try a different shape to the brownie and made cups with assorted toppers. Quite an interesting way to serve …
Jul 31
DDL Brownies
A while ago there was this DDL craze on CaL. Not to be mistaken with DDLJ but equally delicious The first time I made DDL (Dulche De Leche – caramalised condensed milk), I was petrified. Umpteen discussions with CaL members and step by step procedure approvals before finally attempting it. And then it was love at …
Jul 26
Eggless Tiramisu
Once upon a time there was this super lazy lost girl. Yeah she did cook occasionally but nothing to talk about back home. One day she entered a door that took her into the world of Facebook food groups and she met some amazing friends who encouraged and guided her to try things she could …
Jun 30
Eggless Lemon cake with a lemon Glaze
I am in love with baking. If I am sleepless I bake, if I want to gift someone something I bake, if want to celebrate I bake. I may not be a professional baker or someone who can figure out the recipes by herself. I research recipes and save those I feel will work. I …
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