Italian Rum cake


A special person deserves a special cake. It was M’s birthday and we decided to have a party by calling his friends over for dinner. I causually asked him, have u ever had a birthday party with friends over and was surprised when he answered in the negative.


Thought back to the 14 years we have been together and realised its true, Its mostly been with family or just the 2 of us. So planned an elaborate menu and started researching for a special cake. My cake guru is Nidhi and when she suggested I check out the Italian rum cake, I had to go with her suggestion


This cake usually is baked for wedding and birthdays and has three fillings, italian pastry cream, italian chocolate cream and whipped cream. I decided to adapt the pastry cream filling and rum syrup recipe from this site and make 2 fillings – one of italian pastry cream which is like a custard and a simple chocolate ganache. My fool proof sponge recipe (again Nidhis brilliance) was put to work for the cake. So light, airy and spongy.


Being a novice baker, it did take me some time to make but it came out pretty good. Couldnt click a picture of the slice as we cut it late at night.


4 eggs,
3/4 cup powdered sugar,
3/4 cup maida,
1 tsp baking powder,
2 tsp vanilla extract,
1 tbsp hot water

1) pre heat oven to 180 C for 10-15 mins

2) separate egg white and yolks

3) beat egg whites till they are stiff, add sugar gradually and keep beating it

4) add yolks and extract, mix it well.

5) Add the hot water and beat the mixture till it doubles in size

6) Sift maida and baking powder in a separate bowl

7) fold in the dry ingredients, dont beat it, fold it gradually

8) grease the cake tin and pour the batter.

9) bake for 30-35 minutes on 180C.


2 cups dark chocolate

1 cup Amul cream

2 tbsp butter

Melt the dark chocolate, 1 cup cream and 2 tbsp butter in a double boiler method. Cool the ganache in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes before use.


1/4 cup light or dark rum or 1 tablespoon rum flavoring
1/3 cup water
1/2 cup granulated sugar

(Note: If you prefer not to use rum syrup, you may sprinkle/brush cake layers with 1/3 cup rum which has been diluted with 1/4 cup water.)

Mix together the water, sugar, and rum in a small pot. Bring to a boil, and stir until the sugar is dissolved. Remove from the heat and cool before using.


3 tablespoons granulated sugar
3 egg yolks
3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 cups whole milk
1 tablespoon butter

1) Place sugar, egg yolks, flour, lemon rind (if using), and vanilla in a saucepan and mix together well.

2) In a separate saucepan, scald milk. Very slowly pour milk over egg yolk mixture, in a thin stream, beating constantly with rotary beater. Continue cooking on low heat, stirring with a wooden spoon, until mixture reaches the boiling point. Cook 4 minutes longer, stirring constantly.

3) Remove pan from heat, add butter and mix well. Pour into bowl and let cool, stir occasionally to prevent skin from forming over the top.

If using as a filling, chill (with plastic wrap pressed onto the surface to prevent a skin from forming) until very thick (about 3-4 hours).


250 gms Rich whipping cream

3-4 tbsp powdered sugar or as per taste

1 tsp vanilla extract

1) Chill the bowl and beater blades for 30 mins

2) Prepare an ice bath and place the chilled bowl on it.

3) pour the chilled whipped cream in the bowl and start beating it. Avoid any body heat

4) when it gets slightly stiff, add the sugar and vanilla extract and continue beating

5) at intervals, u can chill the bowl and beater in the fridge as temperature plays a key role in forming the whipped cream

6) the cream should be ready in 30 mins or so of whipping and chilling. The trick is that when u invert the bowl, the cream should stay in place


1/3 Cup Almond slivers



1) when the cake is cool, slice the cake horizontally into 3 layers. Sprinkle the rum syrup on the layers. Leave for 10 mins and sprinkle again

2) Place the chocolate ganache on the bottom slayer and spread it evenly

3) Place the middle layer of the sponge on top. Spread the italian pastry cream evenly and top with last layer of sponge.

4) Crumb coat the cake i.e put a thin layer of the whipped cream covering all sides and keep the cake in the fridge for 30 mins.

5) Frost the cake with whipped cream and decorate with almond slivers and sprinkles