Cheesy Spinach and Corn Discs

Cheesy Bread Disc

Once upon a time Prince Bread fell in love with a beautiful girl. She was fair with soft skin and everyone’s heart would melt looking at her. The prince with his heart pounding, asked her name and she blushed, quietly saying “cheese”. He kissed her and they lived happily ever after.

Yeah I know it’s a cheesy story. But what to do, the evergreen romance of bread and cheese needs its place in history.




20 whole wheat Bread slices
Olive oil
For stuffing
1 cup of sweet corn
1 bundle of chopped spinach
1/2 pkt of cream
3 tbsp of (American bagel) chilli Oregano cream cheese
(you can also use amul cheese spread)
2 cheese slices cut into little squares
1tsp chilli flakes
1/2 tsp basil,
1/2 tsp oregano
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp garlic powder
For butter spread
2 tbsp chilli garlic butter
2 tbsp cream cheese


1) Mix together the ingredients for the butter spread.

2) Take two round cutters, one bigger in size and the other two sizes smaller than the first one. Using the bigger size cutter, cut all the bread slices into discs. Take half the cut discs and using the smaller cutter, cut rings.
3) On the bread discs, apply a generous layer of the butter spread. Put a bread ring over the disc and press to seal all the edges.
4) boil the corn with some salt. When nearly done, put in the chopped spinach and shut the gas. Let it sit in the hot water for 5-10 mins. Strain.
5) Mix the corn/spinach with all the other ingredients under filling. Mix well.
6) Take 1 tablespoon of the filling and fill it neatly in the centre of the ring. Repeat the process for all the discs and rings.
7) Preheat oven at 180 C. Apply oil lightly using a brush on the edges of the ring. This will prevent the bread from drying. Bake in the oven for 8-10mins or till the bread gets a light golden colour. Serve hot.


Idea inspired by Pari Vashisht
Pictures by the fabulously talented Nidhi S Raj